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Meet Paul Haben

Today we’d like to introduce you to Paul Haben.

Hi Paul, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Growing up with eight brothers and sisters, I practiced Combat Arts without even knowing it… Seriously though, fighting was always in my personality, and it got me into a few bad situations as a kid.

That and being unsure of myself and having a pretty defensive attitude caused me to be a pretty hard individual, allowing my pride and ego to take the place of confidence and composure.

I began Martial Arts as a teenager to become surer of myself. Having some great mentors in my life as a young man, I discovered that purpose was the key to living full days. Martial Arts, being in full-time Ministry, and being accountable to my mentors, I began to truly understand the ‘why’ of my life and my responsibility to that ‘why.’

The full realization of that came as a memorial moment when my wife became pregnant with our son. A SON!!! I was ecstatic, for myself, of course, because all of the ‘old’ insecurities came up, and I knew for sure I was going to prove to everyone how awesome I was by the MAN I would raise; even to the point of marking him as Paul Edward Haben II… I laugh at that now because of the MAN who my son has become despite me.

My son was born at 21.5 weeks and weighed in at 1.6 ounces. He spent the first three months of his life in the NICU and ultimately has lived with Cerebral Palsy along with other challenges for his 26 years of life. I was a bit confused at first and was on the road to bitterness, asking God, “WHY?!?” with tears and a clenched fist. My Pastor, one of my most influential mentors, spoke candidly into my life and helped me turn my “Why?!?” into a “Why?” Realizing at that moment, I was only a steward of my son’s purpose; God trusted my wife and me to impart and guide this man into his God-designed Purpose.

We withdrew ‘Paul Edward Haben II,’ and he was ‘Baby-Boy Haben’ for two weeks until, through much prayer, we identified him as Josiah (Reformer-Sustained by God) Nathanael (God has given) Haben. He has lived up to those names as a musician, songwriter, speaker, author, and Martial Artist (A Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) who is only beginning to make his impact but has already touched countless lives.

You may be wondering what this has to do with martial arts and fitness… everything! You are called to live life a life of purpose that is your purpose, not trying to live out someone else’s idea of what your life should be! I can only imagine the disaster that might have taken place if I had ultimately raised Josiah as me!!!

At IMMA, we are all about purpose, developing whole and healthy individuals who know how to live life on purpose and never quit!

That takes an individual who understands their purpose and can walk in that purpose over time. A purpose-filled life is not a cakewalk. It comes with many challenges, victories, failures, confident choices, and discouraging setbacks… in other words, experiences. It’s a tough journey, and you will have to be an ‘everyday warrior’ to persist and ultimately persevere in discovering purpose.

Through my family’s experiences, my wife Analiese and I have gained the confidence to know that we are assigned to come alongside and partner with others in their pursuit of purpose. With over 30 years of experience, 12 as a business owner here in Bulverde/Spring Branch, we built IMMA for life’s everyday warriors.

Through Martial Arts (Certified in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo, and Karate) and Fitness (Gym and IMMAFit Strength & Conditioning), we have been meeting people and partnering with them to get them to where they want to be.

At IMMA, we equip you to take care of yourself on every level successfully. As a result, we have been blessed to see and continue to see countless people over the years gain the capacity to find the courage, composure, and confidence to “Live life on purpose and never quit.”

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Not at all! In order to persevere (see yourself through severity), you have to persist (remain) It’s when you remain and find your way through that you gain the experience that overcoming brings. It’s that experience that brings true confidence into your life.

We started the academy right after the crash of 2008, went from making $150K+ a year to $24K. I remember detailing our cars to get them ready to be repossessed LOL! My wife and I sat in the kitchen of our new Mobile Home and cried for a bit as we were moving in after having to sell our 5 acres on the Guadalupe River. We still live in that Mobile Home but have gutted and remodeled the inside and are working on the outside!

That’s just how we started…

There have been more struggles along the way, the most recent is one we have shared with everyone! COVID has been a challenging season to navigate as a Martial Arts Academy and Fitness Center. Thank God for technology as we have been able to provide meaningful material for our students to work on whenever we have had to shut down and have had a safe and successful transition back to the mats and gym. Cannot say enough about how blessed we are to be a part of such resilient and determined connections in our IMMA Family!

To sum it up, Analiese and I faced some of our challenges with confidence and some with tepid courage. There were some times we really wanted to quit because we were not confident of the outcome because it was a new experience.

That is where our faith in God gave us the composure to reflect on what He had brought us through in the past and gain the confidence that even though we didn’t know the outcome God would allow that trial to work for success in our purpose.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about IMMA?
Established in 2010, Inochi Mixed Martial Arts (IMMA) provides a safe, challenging & fun environment to obtain optimum health and abundant life through any of our IMMA Fitness Programs (GYM/IMMAFit/Powerlifting) AND learn and apply the art of combat for self-defense, competition or just a better you.

Inochi is not unique in its concept however it is unique in its implementation. Every class is a fresh look at making our students capable by continuing to advance in each student’s technique and effectiveness in application to enable them to find the courage, confidence, and composure to live life on purpose and never quit!

At IMMA you get 4 academies for the price of 1. Our conviction is to equip you with the ability to work wherever the fight might go.

Our curriculum and trainers are accredited by:

– IBJJF for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
– USJA/IJF for Judo.
– JKDF for Jukido (Striking).
– USA Wrestling.

At IMMA we are all about diversity and integration… In life and in the gym! If you’re looking to work out on your own, in a class, with a trainer, etc. We can make that happen. From our IMMAFit classes to our basic gym membership, to our Powerlifting Club, to having access to a personal trainer, IMMA Fitness is a fully equipped gym that is designed to meet your fitness needs.

With over 6,500 pounds of Cast Iron & Bumper Plates, Lifting Platforms, Kettle Bells, Dumb Bells, Rowers, Air Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Machine Weights, and too much more to list… IMMA Fitness is looking forward to partnering with YOU on YOUR fitness journey.

From Instructors, Personal Trainers to Coaches we have a professional and experienced staff that will guide you through your training and partner with you in order for you to achieve maximum results from your effort.

IMMA’s founder, Paul Haben began his studies in Martial Arts and Fitness in 1988 and holds the following accredited ranks:

• 2 deg Black Belt – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu / IBJJF.
• 3 deg Black Belt – Judo / USJA (Certified Coach/#2 National Rank-2018).
• 4 deg Black Belt – Jukido / JKDF.
• Bronze Certified Coach – USAW / Head Coach – GDA / TAIAO Wrestling Committee Chair.

Paul continues to train under his instructors:

• BJJ–Sergio “Marra” Correa, 6 deg Black Belt IBJJF.
• Judo-Zdenek Matl, Kudan USJA.
• JuKiDo–Ivan Ujueta, Hachidan JKDF.
• Wrestling-Darrell Nerove, Division 1 All American/Team Captain – Army Black Knights.

Paul is the head coach for the GDA Wrestling Team, Team TABMOC’s Fight Team in Bulverde/Spring Branch, and oversees the fitness/strength & conditioning element for the team as well as Inochi MMA’s Competition Team. Fitness (cardio, strength, speed, endurance) is a must in Combat Sports.

Paul and the IMMA Fitness staff have worked diligently to craft a program for life’s EVERYDAY WARRIORS (YOU!) that will produce that Fitness Level in you.

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
We are always looking for individuals, families, businesses, basically, those who are all about finding purpose, walking it out, and helping others do the same, to come alongside and share ideas or become a part of what we are doing or vice-versa.

The only way to know if there is a true connection is to reach out and try to make a connection. If you would like to join the academy or gym just e-mail me at We just finished a complete renovation of our facilities and expanded our gym, fitness center/equipment, and mat space so we have plenty of room for YOU!

We have a lot of ways to allow you to get to know IMMA before making any type of commitment so just reach out and let us know!

If you are interested in sponsoring anything that we do as a business or individual we would love to have you join us in our pursuit of purpose! We have a ministry side of our efforts as well. Just e-mail me at for more information.

Contact Info:

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