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Meet Jen Hardy of Jen Hardy Coaching & Training Co.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jen Hardy.

Hi Jen, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Have you ever had that moment where everything changed? Where everything just became clear that the way you were doing life just really was not working?? I have. It was summer of 2013 in my mid 30’s. I’ll spare all the details but let’s just say it involved alcohol, a guy at a bar and west 6th in Austin Texas. I can easily say it was a rock bottom night. Thankfully my best friend, at the time was with me and made sure I made the right decision that night. I say my best friend “at the time” because she is no longer my best friend nor am I friends with many who I spent the majority of my time with them. I had burned a lot of bridges and was definitely what you would call a Debbie Downer to be around. It’s no shock to me, looking back now at how easy it was for people to cut me loose. Luckily for me, I learned the lesson and started a new path the very next day.

I quit alcohol for all the reasons and started learning about mindset, manifestation and creating our own destiny. I wanted to take ownership for my life and my results but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I had no clue where to turn so I jumped into The Secret, something my mother had always talked about, and it made a difference for me immediately. I could feel life start to shift around me to a more positive vibe. From there a good friend introduced me to a program called Landmark, where I made another giant leap in taking responsibility for my life and the relationships in it. I feel like Landmark gave me back my family; my sister, my mom and my father. We had completely new relationships after I did a few programs with that company and I am forever grateful.

But things were still “off” and I could tell there was more to learn, more to discover. I was still searching for something more, something better and different. So, I choose to leave my teaching career of 12yrs, sold my home of 9yrs and traveled to Europe for 30days (and for the very first time). I spent half of it traveling alone as well. It was an enlightening experience to say the least. When I got back, I started to dabble into a few new things more creative like fashion. I took on a role as a stylist for a time, with a company called Cabi. I believe now that my creative side was dying for some much-needed expression! During that time happen to I join a women’s mastermind group where I met Deb Yager, who was the co-lead of the group. Deb owns her own training company with her husband focused in NLP, QTT and Hypnosis.

One day she did some NLP/QTT work with me that blew my mind. I was so fascinated with the process and the fact that I had just released decades of trapped emotions and trauma in only minutes…I had to know more! I started training under Deb, through her certification programs and was hooked after the first one. I spent all of 2020, making my way through the programs until I had attained my NLP Trainer’s certification, which allows me to now host my own certifications. I spent the following year, assisting all the programs I had completed as a volunteer coach, while also starting my own one-on-one coaching business.

Now only three years later, I too have my own coaching and training company focused in NLP, Quantum Time Techniques and Hypnosis where I focus on certification programs, one on one coaching, corporate training and public speaking. It’s interesting to me that I left education and coaching only to come right back to it but in a way that truly lights me up!!

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It has been a bit of a struggle along the way. I had to get passed a lot of self-doubt, imposter syndrome and this idea that people would be mad at or judge me for changing my mind so many times! Not to mention learning how to take a stand for what I believe as a coach, trainer and speaker and the message I would be known for. It takes a lot of reflection and inner work. A willingness to see the yuck, roll around in it, get it all over you and be ok with it, knowing that it’s only temporary and something greater is on the other side.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I specialize in working with women 30-60yrs, who may be feeling like they are stuck, like they are meant for something more, something better and maybe even different. They’re clear they are meant to be doing something bigger in the world, having a bigger impact but aren’t sure how to do that yet. They haven’t gotten clarity on what that is, what is in the way and how to be that woman. They may need support to trust themselves to go be that woman! I call myself an Empowerment coach because I want women to feel like they can take their life into their own hands and on their terms and have it all. My certification programs bring in an element of this as well. We focus on self-mastery, leadership and coaching in the content. I believe we are all coaches and leaders in our own way and we need as many tools and skills as we can get to support us to be successful in that endeavor. But with that also comes the practice of self-mastery, learning to be fully self-expressed and authentic versions of ourselves. I want to educate and support any woman who is just done with life the way it is currently going, the same way I was done. I want to be someone who is supporting women to go out there and be the difference that makes a difference where evert they desire that to be.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Do your best to quiet the voices and the naysayers and keep failing forward. A wise person once told me: At first they’ll say; “You can’t do that. Who are you to go and do that!” but just keep going and watch, soon enough they’ll be asking you; “How did you do that?”.


  • $4000 -5 day Certification Course June 8-12th -NLP for Self Mastery, Coaching and Leadership
  • $49 Two Day Live Workshop- An Unstoppable You May 20-21st
  • One on One Coaching also available

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