Today we’d like to introduce you to Mom of Taj.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I’m a mom blogger/content creator and I started about 6 months ago as I discovered I wanted to find a career where I had more freedom while increasing my income.
I used to operate my dad’s social media for his business and I began learning all about social media marketing. It was really fun as I tried to discover video trends, effects, sounds, etc.
Along the way, my family and I always watched Youtube because my children love Ryan Toy’s Review and my son said he wanted to be on TV like Ryan. The more time I spent learning social media marketing, the more I learned it’s an actual business,
So I started finding videos with popular sounds and began making funny relatable toddler videos so moms could relate and find humor in the things we go through as toddler moms. Then I realized see how much recording it required and my son didn’t always want to record, so I had to figure out how to still achieve this goal without my star player, lol so I started thinking of other ways to create content for moms that can be informational (blog) and funny (IG) all at once.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Absolutely not at all!
Social media marketing, it’s all about building, entertaining, and engaging with an audience. In doing so you have to discover how to get in front of people and make them react to your content.
While doing that, you have to fight against the algorithm, content creators with larger platforms, etc.
The entire time you feel like you’re going nowhere!
There are so many things you have to learn, stay ahead of, etc. while trying to also be authentic, so it’s challenging trying to grow when you have so many things to focus on.
Another challenge is connecting with others in your niche because not many people want to collaborate, talk, or strategize together if they’ve already built their platform. That’s another huge part of it because you’re trying to build authority for these algorithms but it takes others to attach your work so you can get noticed (validated), so it’s a difficult,
But I’ve decided to focus on staying consistent and having fun despite all the difficulties and craziness
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a mom blogger bringing new information to motherhood as it’s constantly evolving… terms, methods, opinions, research, etc. I want to have a platform that shares information with mothers all over the world and talks about how we actually feel, not how we’re supposed to feel.
As I share information, I’d like to share my experiences and moments with a community of moms, soon-to-be moms, or trying to conceive moms who feel comfortable about sharing.
My platform is about growth. I want to encourage myself and others to do better and be better parents so we can have healthy children. Use the information provided to help you in the ways you see fit because not all families are the same.
However, it should give you more information and working tools to start growing in the way you know you need.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
Mistakes are necessary and in order to grow, you have to step out of your comfort zone!
In order to learn, you have to make mistakes… PERIOD!
Stepping outside of your comfort some is so necessary to grow you. I would be a lot further in life if I didn’t desire to stay comfortable.
Hine sight is 20/20, so I want to do things I wouldn’t want to do in the past, marketing, selling, etc. That’s the only way to build a business. You can’t be afraid of what others are going to think.
You just have to become comfortable with failing and becoming uncomfortable in order to sell yourself. And be ready for rejection.
That will be the true test can you show back up to the game with many rejections and be okay to continue moving?
Contact Info:
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