Today we’d like to introduce you to Cynthia Campbell.
Hi Cynthia, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
My son loved paintball but a couple of the fields he went to would do a bait and switch on customers with coupons. The land became available. I decided with my management experience and Ph.D. in business that I could provide people with a family-friendly business with honest approaches. We love the woods and have kept the land as natural as possible.
Our customers have constantly given feedback about how friendly we are in our business.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
We have had some events during our 10 years in business that caused some interruption. During startup, my husband had a heart attack. Two years later we were robbed of half of the equipment and cylinders we were renting. Not wanting to leave customers in the lurch, I referred them to competitors during these times.
Customer service is number one with our business. Like everyone we had a downturn during covid but the nature of the play is distance so we didn’t stop totally, just limited games to family only.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about AREA BATTLEFIELD?
We specialize in paintball games, specifically woodsball with some speedball. We are known for our family-friendly atmosphere. We also provide play to children as young as 7. We cater to the customer.
They can play as much as they want, whatever fields they want in a three-hour period. We have a beautiful wooded picnic area with a grill for rent.
Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
It was a risk opening a traditionally male-dominated business as a female business owner. There was a risk in purchasing land for the sport. We run an outdoor sport so are at risk due to weather shifts. Risk is necessary otherwise we never know what our true potential is as a business owner.
Risks taken that are unsuccessful are learning opportunities not failures.
- • Groups 5 to 9 are $30/person
- • Groups 10+ are $25/person
- • Groups 30+ we do special pricing
Contact Info:
- Email: Aresbattlefieldpaintball@gmail.com
- Website: Aresbattlefield.com
- Facebook: Www.facebook.com/aresbattlefield
- Other: @aresbattlefieldpaintball
Image Credits
Ares Battlefield