Today we’d like to introduce you to Ryn Pitts.
Hi Ryn, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi, name is Ryn Pitts and I am the owner of Serendipity Social Co here in San Antonio TX! Growing up in the “Instagram Age”, I had an instant connection with social media. I fell in love with everything surrounding it early on, from aesthetics and witty captions, to the ability to network and connect with people near and far, old and new. I was constantly intrigued by the digital world and spent a large part of my teenage years learning and exploring a wide range of social media activities.
When my journey first started, I was more integrated into the fashion side of social media. During my Freshman year, I was heavily into Instagram and YouTube. Every day after school I would get off the bus, run inside, grab my camera, and make my neighbor take pictures of my #ootd. Alongside trying to live out my Fashion Influencer dreams, I was making fashion and styling content on YouTube under the name The RynCycle, like the rinse cycle in the washing machine. Clever right?
Moving onto my Sophomore year, I can attribute majority of where I am today to that year in my life. At this time I was taking both Photography and Marketing classes, still living my Influencer dreams, and running a fashion blog called The Fashion Analysis. On this blog, I covered the everyday looks of myself, my peers, and celebrities.
Sophomore year was a bit of a turning point for me, it was the first time I had decided to pick up a camera and get behind it instead of in front of it. Once I got behind the camera, I found another love; people. Being at a highly creative school, I was able to truly dive into this passion head first. My friends and I would literally skip both math class AND lunch to take pictures and shoot content! I made sure to always have my camera on me and spent many days after school and on weekends styling friends and doing photoshoots in Downtown Portland.
During my Junior year, I moved to Dallas and started an upcycled fashion brand called The Pitt Style. I would source clothes from thrift stores, revamp them in any way I saw fit (ripping, shredding, making something entirely new, etc.), and then resell them through my online Depop boutique. The wide range of skills I am able to perform for my clients today as Serendipity Social Co is entirely due to my time as a Junior making clothes as The Pitt. I was managing every single part of the company entirely on my own. I had no financial help when it came to buying my clothes or tools, I was sewing, sourcing models and scouting locations, as well as prepping and planning for photoshoots. On top of all of that, I was the photographer for each and every shoot, I did all of the editing, I ran all of the social media pages, and I was selling, packaging, and shipping out orders. I know my fellow small business owners can relate!
Now, bringing us to the present day, I own a Social Media Management and Content Creation Agency, Serendipity Social Co, that helps brands of all sizes strategize their B2C outreach to prioritize & capitalize on consumer engagement. With my background in Social Media Marketing and my genuine passion for helping small businesses and my goal of not only growing the community, but uplifting it, I feel as though my journey has led me to the exact spot I am supposed to be in. Serendipity Social Co became an official LLC in June 22′, after moving to San Antonio in March 22′, and it is with great gratitude that I can say that SSCo manages eight businesses in varying industries, ranging in size, from start to finish on their digital journey.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
To be honest, I don’t know if I would say it’s been a smooth road, but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s been a bumpy one… I think I would have to say it’s been a serendipitous road, funny enough. As defined by Google, Serendipity means “Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.” I prefer to summarize it by saying “accidental fortune”.
Despite moving intentionally and strategically, a part of my journey can really be summarized as just that, an accidental fortune. I say this because I never woke up one day and thought to myself, “I want to manage people’s social media presence”. All I knew was that I wanted to do something that allowed me to still partake in every one of my passions; photography, Marketing, aesthetics, networking, and social media. Fortunately enough, all of those passions accidentally turned into a Social Media Agency that I could not be more proud of.
With the way I had catapulted into the Social Media Marketing world, I had a lot to learn and explore. Something I did struggle with in the beginning was finding my shoot style and overall niche. With the majority of my photo history being Portrait Photography, transitioning to website and Product Photography was definitely an adjustment. I quickly fell in love with shooting products and all of the creative direction and freedom that came with it, but in full transparency, it was a major learning curve at first. In regard to my niche, I had always known I wanted my company to be more than just another Marketing Agency.
I am a super passionate, collaborative, and caring person and I want, more than anything, for people to feel that when they work with SSCo on any and every level. The majority of my clients right now are small business owners, people who care about, love, and put their all into their craft. I want to be that person on their team that they feel genuinely wants their business to win. I don’t call myself a Professional Hype Woman for nothing! I am truly my clients’ biggest fan and I feel that despite my niche being content creation services specific for social media, a big part of that niche is the way I, and my company, make those around us feel and how we help and uplift others in the community.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Serendipity Social Co. is a Social Media Management & Content Creation Agency helping businesses of all sizes build their brand image, find their niche, and maximize their outreach across multiple social media platforms. Ultimately, we enable your business to strengthen its consumer engagement by leveraging creative content that is relevant to the overall brand mission and engaging its target audience. By working with SSCo, you eliminate the time, teachings, and team typically needed for content creation.
As I mentioned before, our niche is content creation specifically made for social media, and that is what we specialize in. Currently, we are most known for the content and aesthetics we create for our clients, most notably Zapata House, TXFW 22′ Retailer of The Year. We are also known for our company YouTube channel segment, #LetsGetSocial, which highlights Texas-based business owners and creatives by showcasing “the brain behind the brand” through interviews conducted by myself. Aside from those, we are also known for our company to blog The Social Strategy, where we shine the #SocialSpotlight on inspiring organizations and companies, share business tips and tricks, and sometimes cover local community events.
What sets Serendipity Social Co apart from others is that we are a part of the process from start to finish. From the creation of content, to editing, to the distribution of the content on social platforms, and lastly, the management of the content. As I mentioned before, SSCo specializes in small businesses, so I know a lot of my clients are already wearing multiple hats and doing multiple jobs. What I like to let all of my potential clients know is that with SSCo, the goal is for you to be able to, almost entirely, take the stress of social media off of your plate and rely on SSco to maintain and represent your digital presence.
Something I am most proud of is the resilience I have shown throughout this entire journey. I moved to San Antonio with nothing but one amazing client who took a chance on me and never stopped cheering me on, no family, and the intention to make a name for myself. Since moving here in March I have officially made SSCO my full-time job and an official LLC, gained seven new clients, and have made so many amazing connections with people all over the city! I am proud of myself for continuing to push myself creatively and try new things, and I strongly intend to continue doing that for the entirety of my career.
What sets me apart from others is my organization. A few things you can count on when working with me; there will always be a calendar invite with detailed notes, constant communication, zero confusion, and I will be on time, every time. I pride myself on my ability to be transparent and detailed with those I work with. I want people to know that I care, and I feel that proper organization, communication, and punctuality are the most basic, yet impactful ways that you can show that you care. To me, it’s a matter of respect, and I want everyone I work with to know that I respect them, what they’re doing, and their business.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
Honestly, even thinking about the social media realm in the next 5-10 years is almost unfathomable. With the heightened interest in virtual reality and the push for a more digitally focused world, I don’t know what to expect, but I know the possibilities of what social media can grow to be are endless.
With the amazing technological advancements we continue to make as a society, I have no doubt that in the next 5-10 years that technology as a whole will be more integrated into our everyday lives and show up more in industries like fashion and beauty.
Even with the future being unknown, I do have a little peace of mind knowing that regardless of which direction we go as a society or how far we advance, there will always be a need for Marketing. Companies will always need to market and brand themselves, and along with that, companies will always need to create things that are engaging to their target audience.
My only concern is robots that do Marketing and create content… Then I’m screwed.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.serendipitysocialco.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serendipitysocialco/
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078486840254
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2qp_JqYV9DDy8f7dCWjoA?app=desktop
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/serendipity-social-co-san-antonio?uid=G_3QlWoBuuA9AH06IFgZtA&utm_source=ishare
- Other: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDg8ERDyIzM4gA8Y2-iDuLW8ZYJoFpuIqVXJn3qpRIpmr6Ig/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Image Credits
Shelby Seabranch