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Conversations with Marla Vee

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marla Vee.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My late husband (Phil “The Whiskey Rebel” Irwin) and I formed our band Rancid Vat on New Year’s Eve in 1981 in Portland Oregon. Over the band’s history, we have been based in Seattle, LA, Philadelphia, San Marcos, TX, and now San Antonio. Our son, Elvis has been in the band in various capacities since moving to Texas in 2001. We have been considered a cult band and have a small but rabid following of fans from across the US, around the world.

Phil and I collaborated on writing the songs. I had a knack for coming up with riffs and he was really good at arranging. I played drums, bass, and guitar over the years, when Phil passed in 2018, Elvis and I made the decision to keep the band going. During my grieving period, I kept myself busy playing my guitar and writing songs. A couple of the songs are now being recorded for an upcoming album. But many of the songs were not in the style of Rancid Vat, and in May 2020 decided I needed to start my own band.

Of course, 2020 was the year the pandemic started, and we were supposed to be in lockdown (although I personally never was, since my day job is designing kitchens and selling appliances for a home improvement chain). Fast forward, got a bass player and drummer, Evol Con Evol, and George Patrick Riley, who has been amazingly patient and supportive in working with me. I hadn’t fronted a band in 40 years, since back in Portland when I had an all-girl band briefly. In Rancid Vat I was more in the background when performing since Phil and the vocalist were the “personalities” of the band.

In 2020, clubs were shut down for the most part, or at least they weren’t booking bands. I decided we needed to focus on recording an album and finding a recording studio during this time didn’t seem to be an option, we spent six months recording on my setup. The first CD of my band Marla Vee & The Natural Born Stud$, “Alligator Laugh” was released June 2021 at our first show. I can proudly say I wrote, recorded, and produced the album myself.

Besides having a passion for guitar and music in general, I also enjoy creating various types of artwork. Some of which have been for CD or record covers. One of my favorite mediums in paper mosaic, which I had started out doing in college and then did a portrait of the band in the early ’90s for the Rancid Vat tribute to Bowie called “Bowiecide” (self-deprecating that we didn’t do his songs justice, but we were such big fans we wanted to cover them anyway).

I also enjoy cooking, and have come up with a lot of recipes over the years, and have been working on a cookbook, that I’ve recently resurrected. Since I have a quarter-century of experience in home improvement and 15 years in repairing various household items like microwaves and chainsaws, I will also have a section with household tips.

Between my band and work, I was a female in a male world. Working in repair shops being the only woman would be very intimidating for a lot of my sisters, but I actually got along pretty well with the guys. Although I always felt like I had to work harder to be “equal”. Rancid Vat was considered a punk/ noise band at its inception and has morphed over the years into Rowdy Rock n Roll, and most of the bands we played with were all guys. Often times the compliment male fans would give me is “not bad for a chic”.

In October 2019, I put together an event called Rulebreaker’s Ball. Bands and fans traveled from far and wide came to ‘San Antonio for the three-day event, which was a huge success, Unfortunately, had to scuttle 2020 & 21, but am planning 2022 for October 20-22 (for more info check out and “like” Rulebreakers Ball” Facebook page).

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Not a smooth road, because the nature of the music Rancid Vat was doing at the beginning, wasn’t really being done by anyone else.

We were too rock n roll for the art-rock crowd and too weird for the punks. Phil and I didn’t really have any friends to speak of until we got our band going. We recorded the first album in a friend’s basement for $50 (so they could buy heating oil) and it was self-released in 1982. Thanks to that record we got a fair amount of recognition and got some very influential people in the scene to support us.

Playing an instrument isn’t something that comes naturally to me, and I’ve had to work extremely hard to get to the point where now the comments about my guitar playing are I make it look easy.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I love playing loud rock n roll on an electric guitar with effects and feedback. Not many women can say that. I’ve been able to hold my own in a band as being not only the founding member but for the most part the only female in the band, and have been doing so since the late 70’s when you could count on one hand famous female guitar players.

I have been a reluctant role model over the years, but now finally am embracing my ability to inspire others. One of my songs “Stand in The Shadow” is actually telling my sisters if they “stand in the shadow they have no name and get no fame”. I am very proud of being a female artist of a release that I wrote all the songs, played multiple guitars, sang lead vocals, recorded and produced.

My favorite artwork would have to be the mosaic portraits. A close second would be the painting I did for the Antiseen 15 years of Fame CD.

What do you like and dislike about the city?
I love the fact that San Antonio is an old city with a lot of history. I also love the weather!

I really miss the interesting conversations I used to have with friends in Philadelphia, and although I have met some very nice friends here, our conversations are on a different level.

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1 Comment

  1. Joe Thomas

    January 29, 2022 at 12:33 am

    Excellent Miss Marla. You guys stay well out there!

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