Today we’d like to introduce you to Jazmin Sambula
Hi Jazmin, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My journey into healing started when I was young.
My brother was born with special needs, and so from the age of 7 I saw how doctors worked together in teams to save his life. It really got me interested in the medical field and in the miracle that modern medical technology gives us. I knew at 7 I wanted to be a doctor, because I wanted to give people the hope, and joy that they gave us when they saved my little brother.
But as time went on, there were many challenges that came with the treatments in western medicine. My mom went down a journey of alternative medicine to save him from western medicine that would change all of our lives.
When I was 12 years old, I had one of those moments that created a core memory. It was a Saturday afternoon and we had Marc Anthony playing on the radio. There was always music playing in the house. We were singing and cleaning and dancing, and I walked over to a bay window we had in our dining room. My mom was forever trying to keep plants in the house, but bless her heart, they always died. So I saw this plant struggling in the window. I laughed and told her that this poor plant needed to be let go already, because it literally crumbled to ash at one touch. It was in such poor shape. My mom walked over with a twinkle in her eye and said “Do you want to see something really cool?” I told her of course. She stood behind me, and took my hands in hers and she started moving our hands around the plant in time with the music.
I couldn’t tell you how long we stood there, waving our hands around this plant with the music playing in the background. I can just tell you that right in front of my eyes, the plant went from brown and crumbling back to green and thriving.
I became obsessed with how it was possible and started looking for answers in science and everywhere I could get my hands on. I went to libraries, and researched on the (very new to us) internet at home, and started compiling information about energy and medicine and chakras and astrology.
I think the fact that I am a second generation American on my mom’s side and first generation on my father’s side really helped me lean into the fact that all of those “Dominican superstition’s” when it came to healing might actually have some basis in truth, so I also researched traditional and ancient healing practices in a lot of different cultures as well.
I started college with a pre-med major, but eventually as our family grew and my husband joined the Air Force and became a paramedic, the demands of working in the medical field no longer aligned with my personal goals to be present with my family. I changed my major in college to Complementary and Alternative Health.
In 2016 I was selected and invited to attend an ISLP Medicine and Science study abroad program in Australia for 10 days and we had an intense schedule learning about the latest medical technology at the University of New South Wales, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, and with native Aboriginal Healers who offered us insight into their culture and how it tied into their traditional Bush Medicine.
What I kept coming back to was that even without modern “western” medicine, these ancient cultures had ways to explore the natural world around them to create effective healing practices over time whether by plant medicine, sound healing, shamanic practices, understanding life force energy, and usually with a combination of them all.
I decided that I wanted to bridge the gap between western medicine and traditional healing.
Once I came back from Australia, I found a Reiki Master Teacher and I learned Reiki- a japanese modality of hands on energy healing. I took the course all the way to the Master Teacher level also. As we were a military family and living in Colorado at that time, I did not need a license to touch in order to practice Reiki in Colorado. My husband got orders to move to Florida at the end of my certification, however, and Florida did require a license to touch. And that is how I began my journey with massage therapy in 2018. I ended up loving it, and thankfully finished the program and dove right into combining modalities and seeing where I ended up. We moved back to Texas in 2021, and I was eager to get to work here and see how I could continue to heal and serve this community that is our home.
Today, I incorporate various methods of energy therapy, massage therapy, sound and frequency healing. I am currently towards the goal of being a Yoga teacher so I can serve my communities in more ways. I am doing all of the things I dreamed of as a child, even if it looks completely different than I could have imagined.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has certainly not been a smooth road.
We are a military family. My husband being active duty in the Air Force meant we raised our family away from our own famlies. For the first 3 years of my oldest child’s life, the military kept him gone for half of it.
I struggled with feeling isolated and lonely for the better part of a decade. I didn’t have the option to drop my kids off at Grandma’s so I could go on a date with my husband or practice much needed self care. I couldn’t pop over to my mom’s house on a hard day. I couldn’t call my friends to meet me for a night out to just have fun. It was just me with my kids a lot of the time. My husband’s career had to come first, even if he wanted to be present.
I remember the first time he deployed, our son was a year and a half old. I put him in a program for daycare twice a week, so I can look for a part time job and give myself a much needed break from the 24/7 caregiving. My poor baby did not handle it well. He cried for hours daily, and it wasn’t a normal response to going to childcare. I made the decision at that point to be a stay at home mom long term because my child and future children deserved to have someone that was a constant presence for them.
I ended up having a really hard time after my second child was born and it was suggested by multiple people to see a doctor about the struggles I was having. There was definitely some post partum depression, but long story short, I got diagnosed with ADHD as a 24 year old woman.
When I started medication for the first time, I was in tears.
I didn’t know that there were people out there that had quiet in their brains as a rule, and not the exception. I was only able to quiet my mind after years of learning how to meditate and even that disappeared the second I got overstimulated.
Since then, I have spent time both on and off medication, but I always tune into my body and use mindfulness practices, nutrition and an active lifestyle to manage symptoms if possible.
When those things fail, I go back to using stimulant medication to help me get back to a more aligned place. It has been a blessing to be able to use the medication when I need it, but to be able to rely on complementary and alternative therapies outside of western medicine to manage because medication is not always available, especially when you move around and see as many different doctors as we do because we are a military family.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
So, I chose Artistic/Creative as my professional life/career because I see healing as an art.
I’m primarily a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master teacher. Obviously that means I offer massage therapy practices, that include swedish, deep tissue, prenatal therapy, and sports massage. I offer things like hot stones. cupping and cbd massage as well.
I work at a local chiropractor and occasionally with the UTSA Sports Med program. Sports massage ended up being one of those things I became passionate about without realizing that was going to be something I loved. I played basketball and volleyball growing up as well as doing some kickboxing and muay thai. My husband is a powerlifter and played basketball growing up and my boys play football and basketball while my daughter does gymnastics and dance. We are all active, so we know first hand that rehab, recovery, and rest are key factors in maintaining an active lifestyle.
As a Reiki practitioner, I offer hands on energy healing based on the idea of Chi. It doesn’t stop there though. The art and creativity comes into play when I allow all of the different modalities and therapies I have learned about over the years and integrate them into a healing session. I use theories and information pulled from mindfulness, guided meditation, quantum mechanics, vibrational medicine, sacred geometry, chakras, meridians, tarot, frequency, sound and color theory in addition to my indigenous practices, and my intuition to weave a unique experience for each and every client- each and every time.
I’m most proud of the fact that I hold space for people to be their most authentic selves, and to be a reminder that we grow through what we go through. Before every session, I thank Spirit for honoring me enough to allow me to continue to do what I love and to help me create an environment for the specific person coming so they receive the highest level of healing that they came for.
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
Success to me means that I am able to provide for my family in excess of what we need while being able to create and play and work all at the same time. It means having balance between work and play while also honoring my need for rest and integration. It means having the freedom to choose how I spend my time, and how I get to show up day to day.
- 60 min Massage $80
- 60 minute Reiki $80
- 60 min Integrated Massage $95
Contact Info:
- Website: https://tajmoon.square.site
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tajmoonhealing
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tajmoonhealing
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tajmoonhealing
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@tajmoonhealing