Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Anzalone.
Alright, thank you for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, how did you get started?
My work today is really an alchemization of 20+ years of pretty diverse work experiences, beginning with over a decade in the hospitality industry.
I learned an incredible amount in those years of management, training and development, and grassroots marketing. Eventually I found myself in a Director of Operations role for one of the largest restaurant franchises in the country. I was overseeing seven locations and a team of over 350 employees. While I was learning a tremendous amount and having great success with these opportunities, I knew that this wasn’t my passion and that there was something else I was meant to be doing.
I began studying holistic wellness and before long I left the hospitality industry to start a practice as a Traditional Naturopath. When I opened a small wellness center in Lakewood, OH I found that the people drawn to my practice were often over-serving and overworking and had been putting their self-care far down on their priority list.
While working to grow my naturopathy practice, I began to study online marketing when the industry was in its infancy. Pretty quickly, my peers in the wellness world were asking for insight on how to build and grow their businesses, and I began coaching them alongside my growing Naturopathy practice. Ultimately I found that my clients in both areas—holistic wellness and business & marketing strategy—were facing the same core challenge: they were not satisfied with the experience they were living and were looking for something outside of themselves to fix their dissatisfaction, believing that someone or something “out there” could solve their problems.
As much as I appreciated their confidence in my abilities, I found the power dynamic concerning. Time and time again, I witnessed individuals giving away their power and agency, whether to me or another practitioner, coach, or service provider, and going down a path that wasn’t aligned with their desires, their beliefs, or their values. They were trusting someone else’s expertise over their own internal wisdom.
I got curious about what was at the root of this dissatisfaction and I began asking questions like: How does it feel when you do [X]? How do you want to feel? What would feel good to you in this situation?
As I leaned into empowering my clients to take the information they were given and learn to listen to themselves and trust themselves to find the path that was right for them, I found that their successes multiplied and their level of satisfaction increased quickly and dramatically.
One day I asked a highly successful client who had been running her multimillion-dollar personal development business for over 20 years, “What do you want your business to feel like?”. She responded, “No one has ever asked me that before.” I knew I was on to something, so I leaned in more.
What my work has evolved to today is a marriage of all of these areas—holistic wellness, embodiment practices, deep self-inquiry, and proven business and marketing growth strategies—all with the goal of helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs create greater satisfaction in their business and life, by increasing their enjoyment, impact, and profits.
We all face challenges, but would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It’s been said that if you want to enroll in the greatest personal development course on earth, start your own business. My own experience has been true to that description. For me, the greatest struggle of entrepreneurship has been bumping up against my growth edges. There’s always more to learn. There’s always a place to level up. There’s never a moment of complacency. As soon as one benchmark is reached, the next one appears. I’ve been doing it for 13 years, and it’s been the greatest adventure of my life (so far).
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I call myself a Satisfaction Strategist. I help entrepreneurs find the sweet spot between growth at any cost and fulfilling their purpose and passion in an aligned, authentic and sustainable way. I am a coach, advisor, and strategic thought partner, helping my clients tap into their inner wisdom to create maximum impact, enjoyment, and profitability. I work with individuals and their teams virtually and in person through strategic planning and coaching sessions, as well as private and team retreats.
One of my clients recently shared:
“Rachel’s decades of experience are the North Star in my business. We lean on the deep experience and intelligent strategies she brings that continually grow our revenue and success. Maybe even more importantly, we all look to her for a greater perspective. She brings a calm, centered, and soulful ancient wisdom to all of us. Having that in my corner is extraordinary. It continually recalibrates me to the true heart of our work.”
What do you think about luck?
I don’t believe in luck. I believe in alignment. When you show up as your truest, most authentic self, internally and externally, the perfect relationships, resources, and opportunities arise. And when they do, the sensation is, “Of course. Of course, this is happening. Of course, I’m here at this moment.” It feels like meaningful confirmation and deep satisfaction. I’ve experienced it many times. I often ask, “How did I end up here?” I must remind myself I created this.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://rachelanzalone.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelanzalone/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelMAnzalone
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelanzalone/
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WorkPlay Branding