Today we’d like to introduce you to Mikkita Moore.
Hi Mikkita, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am Mikkita L. Moore. I am a woman of God first. Mother, daughter, friend. I am also an international transparency motivator, author, and now to add Real Estate Broker. I live, walk, and breathe transparency.
I remember being so very afraid to open up because of other people’s thoughts about me. I was always mean, defensive, and ignorant of my feelings. Then one day, I looked up and didn’t know who that person was standing in the mirror. I saw her but not me. That’s the moment I had to make a choice. Me or the stranger in the mirror!!!!!
In 2016, my first book and the Art of Transparency tour was birthed, not because I just wanted to write or tour but because I wanted to finally release the hurt, the anger, and the horrible feelings of abandonment.
Becoming an Author started with me being in a very negative space in my life. I decided on a book over a journal because I didn’t want my life stories to be lost in a journal in my basement. I wanted my life stories to be something my children, children’s children could find and read for years to come.
With both of my books, I wanted to reach my audience on a level that’s different from the rest. I needed to reach an audience that hasn’t heard about the black girl from the south side of Chicago that wasn’t poor and did not know where her next meal would come from. The girl that her mother wasn’t a drug addict; her father wasn’t a drug pusher.
I was tired of the stereotypes that I had to be from this type of family or that kind of family because I had my first child at the age of 14 years old. My all-time favorite was the one that says teenage moms can’t raise their children effectively or the one that says teenage moms are all high school dropouts. Neither of which proves true for me.
I want my books and my life to show that this story is not about the average poor black girl living in poverty. It is about my life, from a perspective of a teenage mom that didn’t struggle, that didn’t drop out of high school but graduated high school a year ahead of time with honors.
My life from a perspective that thought about suicide, went through domestic violence, emotionally mentally, and physically. This book talks from a perspective of not feeling the love of my father and searching for that type of love from boys/men who either couldn’t give it or didn’t know how to give love.
After my first event, god and I had a serious conversation. I asked God why he would sit me in a room full of people that probably couldn’t understand why I still had my joy, not even realizing I was still broken. God laughed at me and said okay, so since you’re special and don’t get it. Let me break it down for you.
You sat in a room full of people that needed to hear you go through so that they can have just a little more faith that they can get through!!! I sat you in that room so you too can know that your brokenness is about to be your breakthrough!!!!!!!! God then said with testimony others will be saved. Others will know there is a way to make it out of the darkness.
After six years of touring and book writing, I am now an author of thirteen books, I have toured over twelve states/cities, as well as internationally to tell my story, and I am now entering the field of Real Estate.
I want to be the advocate for the urban community and teach them how to buy their first home and maintain homeownership for as long as they want. I am learning that my purpose is true to help those that need it without judgment of how/why they are where they are in life.
The bible says in Matthew 22:14 says, “for many are invited, but few are chosen.” I was chosen to go through all of the hurt, the pain, the loneliness, pregnant at 13, mother at 14, and mother of 2 by the age of 16. Suicidal attempted drinking and smoking to forget who I was.
Now, who in the world would choose me after all that I have done??? It’s MY purpose!!!!!!!!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
This thing called life throws all types of stones, forks, knives, friends, and foes your way. It’s not easy being “called”, is certainly not easy to “answer.”
I have had to deal with friends turning their back on me, and I have dealt with depression, anxiety, and being financially broken. I have had so many obstacles come my way over the years of this journey, that I thought that some of those mountains would surely take me out.
However, I lean on God’s word knowing that this too shall pass… No matter how it may look… The trials that I face today are for someone else’s tomorrow. In that, I have to stand strong and know that God will surely bring me out better than I went in. I stand on his word and his word alone.
Nope, this is not easy by far, and to be quite honest, I often wonder how God will bring me through some of my situations. However, to be able to know, I will get through is a blessing that unravels every day!!!
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
The Art of Transparency, NFP, focuses on providing a positive platform of personal testimony to begin the healing of ONE person, ONE city, ONE state, ONE nation at a time, through the Art of Transparency.
The purpose of our organization is to provide the pivotal tools resources and fundamental needs necessary to create a lasting impact for those affected by various traumas (i.e. domestic violence, childhood molestation, teen parenting, suicide, depression, sexual assault, etc.).
Our History: In 2016, founder Mikkita L. Moore authored her first book entitled, The Letter, From the Invisible Daughter. After thinking of ways to promote the book, Mikkita decided to create a book tour as a tool of promotion. The book tour was originally slated to be a one-time event.
However, after sharing her story many lives were changed. The tour attendees were captivated and great healing filled the rooms. It was then that Mikkita recognized that there was a purpose in transparency. Thereafter in 2017, the full birth of the AOT Tour went from being about promoting books to sharing stories of transparency as a tool of healing.
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization that creates positive platforms and safe spaces for sharing personal testimonies with the goal of helping others realize their breakthrough and placing them on a path to healing from past or current traumas.
The Art of Transparency Tour is a Testimonial Conference. We bring real-life situations to the forefront and provide the tools and resources to aid in coping with trauma. Each year the tour speakers are comprised of national and international speakers, authors, and performing artists from all walks of life.
We are survivors and conquerors of domestic violence, suicide attempts, growing up fatherless/motherless, street violence, and more. We travel 10 months out of the year to different cities and states across the country, culminating with one international destination each year.
Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
Never be the smartest one sitting at the table… There is no growth in being at the table that no longer serves you. I have never believed in “luck,” I believe in PURPOSE… Your PURPOSE is connected to your destiny.
It is important to be connected to people that are doing amazing things in the community, amazing things in their businesses, and amazing things in their own growth development. Networking outside of your “circle” is key. Remember your network is your net worth.
Find a mentor that will PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) you to your next level. There is NO growth in comfort. The minute you become uncomfortable is the second that growth happens!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.artoftransparency.org/ www.mikkitamoore.com
- Facebook: TransparencyNFP/mikkitamooretherealtor